Monday, January 3, 2011

The Heat Wave is about over!

Ha!Ha! Today is a public holiday and the 40 degrees yesterday will drop to 25 this week. So it will be a pleasant week for sure but not for those who have to return to work. Yesterday was feeding time and it was much of an interesting routine.
First the cats who were lurking around the food bowls for the feed. Well chi kuan kuan for both hungry cats.

Ha!Ha! For the dogs it is more of a performance. They are ordered to still tight and they do while the food is poured on the bowls. At the signal of GO, they rush to gobble down their food. Warning: do not pet them when they are eating as they growl possessively.

Ha!Ha! Pirate is the big one. When he stands up to you, Pirate is as tall. Being strong, there is always the lurking fear he will attack you. But this is unlikely as Sarge Wen calls him the gentle giant.
This is little ashley. Unfortunately she ate a little too fast and got hiccups. Then she threw a little vomit. And what do you know? She quickly licked up the vomit! Illustrates the Bible verse which says the dog has gone back to its vomit! Singapore news! New year food is going to rise so people are advised to buy their food early! In WA, there is a sad report of a Principal aged 56 who has a variant of Alzehmeir's disease. She cannot remember how to spell and how to read. When she goes to the shop and is told that the price is $10.15, she will ask, "How does that look like?" And what she does is to give a 50 and hope for the best as she cannot cannot. Doctors say she may go blind by the end of the year and death may occur in 8 years time. So she is now planning a French holiday on the canal barge while her eyes are good. Today is Monday and still a holiday - every day is a holiday for a retiree! Kaledoscop3 has planned to go beach swimming! Better take out the sunblock!
Have a great Day ahead!

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