Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sheng Re Kuai Leh, Kang Ren!

Ha!Ha! It was an early birthday celebration for Kaledoscop3 last night with a very unique Satay Celup dinner in the garden. Here is the celebration video clip:

And of course pressie time. Ha!Ha! Only one pressie and others were not aware of the surprise add-on to the dinner.

And of course there is no birthday celebration without the chocolate cake Sarge Wen bought. But wait! There are two cakes for double celebration. A one layer lemon cake made by Sian and decorated on the spot. And the Iron Cake Maker also did up Kaledoscop3 cake.

Then it was cake cutting. When the R part of the cake was sliced off and distributed, someone said we should keep the remaining half for Lta Ennoying birthday! And now back to the Celup dinner. Many of them have not even eaten the Celop sold in Singapore or Malaysia! Anyway the soup was rich enough and the peanut sauce pretty tasty and savoury.

For the uninitiatied, Satay Celup is having sticks of raw food dipped in satay sauce to cook and then eaten.

Ha! Ha! While around the garden spotted that the apple plants are fruiting but mini apples.

One dessert that mybakuteh was not satisfied with is the tapioca cake but the indianboyfriend has tasted it and found it was okay.
Except for the occasional flies and mossies ( as sworn by mybakuteh), it was a nice cool evening over a nice family meal. Singapore papers reports the Brisbane situation via Singapore students there. Seems when the floods receded, the supermarkets were cleaned out of food, especially mineral water as there were Chinese whispers of contaminated water. A woman was killed in Serpentine Falls while jumping the cliffs into the water. Spent a good part of Saturday understudying the Master Negotiator Ah Lex live in action. Although there is not outcome, believe he has planted the seed pretty firmly.
Today is Sunday and the Lord's Day. Pray for the healing powers of the Lord especially on those who are not well. May the Lord truly bless.

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