Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fragrant Bread

Here is the dough prrepared  by the Super Thermal Mixer and lo and behold,
Hot piping home baked bread. Most tentalising when eaten hot from the oven. No need to guess what we had for breakfast...but what about dinner last night? Well, it was northern China food at Northbridge Chinatown.
The only dish missing is the sweet sour duck which came because of the chef's poor eyesight - we had ordered ginger duck instead. But the signature dish was the spicy fish soup with bean sprouts. Excellent crunch sprouts and tasty fish.

Hmm the only flaw about the meal was the public holiday surcharge slapped at us at $2 per pax.

And New Year's lunch was Sianny's delicious mee siam for all followed by a bowl of bah kut teh!

More of the Magic thermal mixer. It is now butter making time. Luckily IGA was opened to get the cream. And there is the side benefit of buttermilk... see picture following:

Ha! Ha! Perth news... Mr Teo visited Beatty Avenue but it is Teo Sa La.  Got a winning division five ticket via syndicate at Bentley Forum but when divided by 20, it practically came to nothing! Should have gone to Floreat to buy where one of the two WA winning tickets were bought! Discovered last evening after church that Northbridge has an area with beanbag seats providing free public movies. And the screen is gigantic but very clear. They were running Ice Age last evening. Hmm ideal retiree hideout if the weather holds. Singapore News... Yishun snatch thieves apprehended by police. These three people amaterishly threw chilli powder at old people and snatch and run! In Perth 480 people were arrested during the new year celebrations. One private home party was gate-crashed and the house then attacked with bottle and bricks. Today is Animal feeding days... more pictures coming up tomolo. Stick around. Today Sunday. the Lord's Day. Plan to go to Church to Worship and Thank our Lord!

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