Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Third time Lucky!

Ha!Ha! We went to Big Bowl Vic Park for the third time last week and finally it is open!
Guess  we were all hungry and there is no take away! Back home, we seize about the last opportunity to use the wonder mixer and here comes Mango Sorbe!!
Hmm delicious mango on a hot summer afternoon. What followed was pineapple sorbe but it too much juice was added so it became a nice drink instead!
Meanwhile got a pic from Lee from Vietnam HCMC on the poor lunch she had on her Mekong trip. Complained it was worse than the packed lunch they gave for the Singapore Youth Olympics. Looks better than the indianboyfriend's chai png for sure!

Did not know what day it is today and thought it was Thursday. So alamak, did not bring out garbage container so rush out and place them. But funny, no containers on the roadside. Then came back and checked again. Alamak, it's Wednesday. Aiyah never mind one day early.
There is rain forcast and temp should be more bearable today.
Have another great day!

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