Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tong Ching Walk

Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend came back from his jog to find that Sarge Wen did not walk the dog in the evening. Why? Because Doc Justin was doing it! What happened was the dog went to Doc Justin's room and looked real sorrowful. It shook Doc Justin's heart, and he was compelled to take the chain and walk him! Wonder what will be his next trick!

A typical three legged pose during the walk except this is done about ten times each trip! Then there is the occasional violent churning of the sand!

A plus point for the dog is his obedience at the road crossing. He will immediately sit on the side on instructions and will wait patiently until you give the go. The minus point is that he will tire you with allthe leash pulling when he sees another large  or rabbit size dog. Found out that the dog is not confused over the three different routes taken by the three walkers. The indianboyfriend will straight to ponggul - turn right and go straight pass the school. His regular poo spot is near the park. Sarge Wen does the lazy U turn approach - turn right and make a u-turn at the Lollipop man spot. He says the dog will poo at the house about opposite ours except when the other dog sticks its nose under the fence and excite Justin. That is when the poo does a reverse cycle and it means more walk down the road. Doc Justin takes a left and another left to the train tracks. The only fear the indianboyfriend has is that there is a great Dane there that is unleashed. The miraculous part is that for all three routes, the dog has a regular poo spot!
Ha!Ha! Today is Thursday and be careful tomorrow - its April Fool's Day. Don't get fooled or even better fool someone!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Many Faces of Ah Pek

Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen recalculated Justin's age. He's 9 years old and will be about 60 years old human age... retirement years! Here are some of Ah Pek's funny pics.
 Ha!Ha! He's so engrossed that the balloon has got into his head!

The toady Justin... with an inflated tummy balloon!

Penalty for not listening to mybakuteh for not going on the sofa to sleep. Ears folded back for better listening. 

Dead tired after  a walk. As he refused to poo until the Park which is a long distance, made him run back afterwards... but Ah Pek cannot measure up to the rigorous activity. Sarge Wen says he drank up the bowl of water!

And everyone loves Justin... Look at the second visitor. The dog recognises people and never stopped wagging his tail. And when Kin was leaving, Justin whined sadly! But the dog has yet to recognise the indianboyfriend yet.. he only knows Sarge Wen!
Went to IGA yesterdday and saw this funny car. It has words of political protest scribbled all over it!
Wonder if they can do this in Singapore. Garmen probably impound the car and scrap it!!! Back home, dear Samantha who called Heartlanders uncouth finally apologise over radio!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's back to the dog walking routine!

Finally able to upload this video clip you have been waiting for. King Justin enjoying his forbidden throne with  tail wagging.
Ha!Ha! It was smooth customs clearance last night with the GREEN lane. The luggage was the first to pop out! The flight was quite empty and people will sleeping in the rear seats.
An early visitor for breakfast! Despite all her good efforts, there was no way to blow the tube balloon. The trick was to suck up a lump at the end and then blow away. But no one could do it, not even Sarge Wen. We relented with a conventional balloon.

And the old man is still as excited as before with the game.

No more tooth brushes lying around. These are holders from Melaka! Guess which one Sarge Wen opted for? ( Clue: Wen Wen!). Local news... two Singapore serviceman were attacked brutally by a group of 7 persons while fishing at 3 am. Seems that this was because they had no cigarettes for them. Singaporeans must understand that not everyone has the safety standards at home. Back home, this lady Samantha got quite a reaction when she said heartlanders to Holland Vic are uncultured and should keep away from this place. You know what - one netizen has organised 100 heartlanders to turn up one Sunday wearing singlets and slippers to spite her!
Meanwhile everyone in Singapore is waiting anxiously for garmen to announce election day! Have a great Day!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Where is your Ba..... Loooon?

Ha!Ha! Look what kind of Balloons have the indianboyfriend bought for naughty Justin. Heard he has jumped up the sink and stole the rubbish pack at night!

This may come as a shock to him as they are long ones. Wondered if he would know how to play with them.
Well it's good buy to Cha Kuay teow for the meantime as the indianboyfriend returns to Perth this evening at 9 pm to resume his role as the Dog Walker!!!
Tentalizing- touted as the best Cha Kuay teo in Singapore during recent survey. Hong Lim Park hawker centre.

Ha!Ha! A desert treat from former staff at People's Park. The never in Perth
local Tow Suan with crispy Yu Cha Kuay!!!!
Popped over to Melaka over the weekend. Stayed at this local at Melaka Raya for only $70 RM a night. Hotel got free Wi-fi, free internet at lounge and TV  ( alas- not  flat screen) got Channel 5 and Channel 8 Singapore. Yes, it has a Window too!!! Seems tourism is not very good there and the footie prices have fallen to $27 RM per hour and body oil massage to RM33. Think this is the cheapest yet in Malaysia. It's $38 in KL. Well the indianboyfriend had only one footie per day and top it up with a one hour body for the trip. Why? He went to the movies? Saw Sucker Punch and never quite understood the plot. Perhaps it is well critiqued because of the popular female actresses. By the way the Wahabu shop selling egg cookies has folder up - po chang!!!!
Well after some hard work in the office and a restful weekend ( sleeping in the coach), it is good to go back and be with family... not to mention Uncle B too.
The challenge today is of course to take a bus to the airport! Ha!Ha! Have a great day!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Canine counter-measures

First Frebreze... there are two types with a dollar difference. One is for the smell only and the other is anti-bacteria. Since Justin also DROOLS when he hops on the sofa, only the anti-bacteria will do!
Solution to the falling hair in the hall. This will gel up all the hair on Justin and keep them in place! Ha!Ha! The owner may get a share in it too!

What is this? Well Mitshibishi sent the Indianboyfriend a very nice picture frame so he went to Harvey Norman to have a pic printed. While waiting for it, he spotted this tremdous bargain. One cordless phone ( that hopefully will not crackle ) plus a hair dryer at promotion price of $50!!! Both made in Japan! Ha!Ha! This will ease the ears of callers to the home phone, hopefully.
Today is Friday and it is back to office again. But the weekend is here.
Enjoy, everyone!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Back to Hawker Food

Ha!Ha! Went to People's Park Complex for lunch and what a variety to choose from. Well ended up with the Wo die ( dumplings) for a change and a huge cup of fresh sugar cane juice.
Ha!Ha! Then it was negotiation time with the Cobbling Cartel! No!No! Prices all the same around so when back to the old one and got it down within half an hour. New soul for dancing/
Then it was back to office to work. Aiyah never work for so long so it was difficult ot adjust again. But adjustment was quick. Managed to leave before six and caught the Yishun terminal train.. Ha!Ha! Got a seat once you enter the train! The weather is rainy the whole day so no swimming. Local news.. COE for cars have fallen but it is still $57K - enough to buy two nice cars in Perth.
Overseas news, Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79. This acting giantess has won 2 academy awards and have had 8 marriages, She was divorced at 18!!!!
Today is also a working day but working from home.
Hope it will be sunny so the indianboyfriend can jump into the pool.
Have a great Mid Week!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear Samantha

Ha!Ha! Was looking at some old pics, and spotted one of dear Samantha. Some of us will remember it was the first dog Lta Ennoying has in Perth and it was sadly killed when she bolted out of the house on the road to a on-coming car,
Then there is another of young Sarge Wen and Lta Ennoying. Behold!
Hmm. long hair was in fashion then I supposed.  Finally got the water mattress. The good point was that the old pattern is back. This means Sarge Wen will not have a matching pair.

These are really literally cool! Went shopping for Gatsy too but the NTUC at Yishun does not sell it. So crossed over to Guardian and found it. But no, not yet, crossed over to Cold Storage to check price. Alamat Cold Storage 5cts more so walked back to Guardian.
Local News.. a grave of a 80 year old Chinese woman was found by workers upgrading a lift in Yishun. Block 711. Think property price will depreciate there but one 711 resident brushed it off saying there are cemeteries all over Singapore (???). Today the indianboyfriend will test his negotiation skills with the cobbling cartel in People's Park. Also it is back to office for the day.. cho Kang men!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In Vic Park, The Dog Is King

Ha!Ha! Cannot upload the video of Justin sitting on the sofa and wagging his tail yesterday but this is how he looked when asked to come down. He is really not happy about it - not fair when everyone is doing it - I am almost human!
Sarge Wen and Lta Ennoying asked when the indianboyfriend would be eating when he hits Singapore and the answer is obvious - Mee Pok! He was all prepared to pay for a price hike but no, it is still $2.50. Tiger changed for the better last night. The Check in Lady asked me to go to the departure gate early and the plane is expected to arrive early. My ( abnormal) toes were laughing aloud of course. And True enough, the plane arrived early and departed on time. As a result, it landed at 2.30 am, 20 minutes earlier! And there was not all. The seats next to the indianboyfriend were empty until this Aussie sat in the aisle. There goes the space. Then miraculously, he disappeared somewhere when the plane took off. When he did not return, the indianboyfriend took a cue from Justin and the sofa - possession is 90% of the law. So he slid over and  had a sleeping berth!!!!Every arrived safely - the bottles were intact and so were the fruits. Papers say that election may be held earlier in end April. Ha!Ha!  Our dear Anwar across the causeway has yet another sex scandal charge. This time with a female sex worker. The video was sent to selected journalist. Funny thing why he got himself embroiled over and over again for his sex activity!!!!Petrol prices are not better than Perth as it is well over $2.00. For Octane grade it is now 2.245!  In some graphic pics of Sendai, the Papers showed a before and after pic of the city. It is the kind of now you see and now don't. Pretty scary. It says Japan will need 5 years to reconstruct the damage.
Halleluya! The insurance Climb for flight delay cheques are in the letter box. Time to mountain climb again!
Well today is working at home and going for a swimming for the indianboyfriend. He has his lunch settled in the morning - soon kuay dumpling!!! Then in the evening, it will be a trip to buy the 7 kg water mattress if there are any left!!!! And of course the purple Gatsby gel!!!! Meanwhile, got to start taking off the basin stopper and unplugging all the toilet drain holes!
Ha!Ha! It rained last night ... long time never see rain leh!
Have a great day!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Egg Fair

Aiyah.. lucky never go to the Freo Chilli Fair. Looks more like an egg fair!
Hmm... nothing oustanding about the plants.. except maybe they are a little colourful.

Ha!Ha! And here's my hottie spouse in the heat of the show, next to the rating chart,

So there goes $15 each for each attendee. More pics of the fair are at Wai Yin's Facebook with interesting comments.  Now what is happening to Lord Justin at Beatty Retirement home. Well he is planning a coup de grace for a canine take-over. As the indianboyfriend snooze off in the sofa, see what he did?

Lta Ennoy need not bring his plastic bed over at all. And when the indianboyfriend went for a shower, he became bolder.
Time to watch his favourite program Animal Patrol.... And then Lord Justin decided to mimic the indianboyfriend.. snooze off during the program

Of course no one believe the indianboyfriend as Lord Justin is deemed as perfect. So Sarge Wen tried an experiment to invite the King to the sofa... No.. he couldn't have done it. It was all photoshop work..

But the indianboyfriend put CSI into action. That night the pillows were carefully arranged so it will dropped if someone jumped on the sofa. The trap was set and it was confirmed by forensic evidence conclusively that Lord Justin slept on the sofa last night.

The pillow fell and there were snowy hair all over the place. What is in his mind now! Well don't be surprise if you see him next time taking a afternoon nap on Sarge Wen's bed or snuggling between the indianboyfriend and mybakuteh on the  bed! Or is the kitchen his next target! Lesson: Never be fooled by a sweet looking white dog!
Today is Monday and the indianboyfriend is heading back to Singapore this evening. It has been an eventful week with Lta Ennoying Birthday celebration as the highlight. Got to go to People's park again and bargain with the shoemakers' cartel. Have a great Monday!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Doc Justin & Dog Justin

Ha!Ha! Everyone loves Justin. Doc Justin invited Dog Justin for an early afternoon walk! And he pooed for the second time. In the evening the indianboyfriend returned late at 9 pm and quickly feed him and took him out for the evening walk. He walked for miles before the dog pooed. He only found out the next morning, when Sarge Wen said he came home and walk and FED the dog. So it is four walks a day and TWO dinners! So is the happiness in the Beatty Retirement Home. But there is the visiting entertainer guest too to spice up the life. No one believes Justin plays with the balloon so there is the proof in a video clip.

The safest place to hide the balloon. And what was the result of the balloon game?
We had to stop because we fear Ah Pek Justin may suffer a heart attack!
Kaledoscop3 calls it the SuperMoon last night. Due to the geographical alignment of the sun, moon & earth and all that wah ko kay, the moon is larger than usual.
Here is a pic of the moon before dark at Northbridge. By the way the other two are lamp-posts.

As it was supermoon, we decided to go Crabbing. Looked what we caught at the Dragon Buffet Restaurant. Alamek, Perth also Ki Keh!!!

Hmm no scoops needed. Just use the clippers and dip them into the Ma la soup.

Pretty good broth. They had great prawns and scallops too. And chunky chin chow and trotters in ginger!!
Notice the people in the blog pics are now all very smiley! Look at the slices of scallop on the table. Oh yes, free flow of soft drinks and beer!

Ha!Ha! This is the capsicorn from Como. Planets looked a little dry but some, especially the lemons are fruiting very well!
Today is Sunday and everyone, except the indianboyfriend is at the Chilli Fair in Freo! Look out for pics of special ones tomolo if they are any... Ha!Ha! Pictures by proxy, of course.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Anonhaseyo! Authentic Korean BBQ at last!

Ha!Ha! It was the meal of the evening. An authentic Korean BBQ with beautiful Korean friend to do the honours! With his display ofr knowledge, we suspect Dr Justin has been sneaking in this place more frequently than we thought. Perhaps with some Korean friends too?? Ha!Ha! And who were there to enjoy this treat with bowl ful of Korean Tapei - rice wine?
The best part was everyone was punctual for the occasion. And here is another view of the people.

The first session is the BBQ where Dr Justin recommended the inter-costal meat to which we added pork belly ( huge chunks).

Ha!Ha! You need to cut the pork belly for sure. And session two was the bone soup. But cannot eat until it is properly stirred and boiled.
If the video is too fast, here is a pic to look at.
Ha!Ha! Now more news of the remorseful look.

We left for the house with the empty bin in place. But at last, the Dog ransacked it and this is what we found when we returned. And here is the act of remorsefulness.
Hiding under the table again even before he got scolded. Coming to think about it, maybe he knows we went to visit Uncle B and does not approve of it!
Today is Saturday! Everyone sleeps later than usual but the indianboyfriend biological clock is punctual. It's walking the dog at 7 again.

Ha!Ha! This is the trip back. If there is more footage in the photo, you will see the hand and the bag of brown gold!!! Even on the road avoid us when they see the muzzle. Have a great day!

Friday, March 18, 2011


A trip to collect the Post parcel at Park and then to return home to find that Justin has toppled the things on the table and ransack the garbage bin. We scolded the dog and it ran remorsefully under the coffee table. We proceeded to spank him and he moved sheepishly under the dining table. So remorseful he looked that mybakuteh asked the indianboyfriend to stop scolding and forgave him. Hmm. Academy Award winner for sure. That was Wednesday. On Thurs, we slipped out again to the supermarket, but barked some scolding instructions to Justin and left the bin in the basin. We came back expecting more trouble. But no... he was the perfect dog or learner. Nothing was overturned and no rumaging in the bin. Ha!Ha! We had to reduce the supply of treats Sarge Wen bought.
But he got his revenge back this morning. This intelligent dog did not want to poo until we have walked fifteen minutes - yep all the way across Archer Road and parallel the primary school to almost the end of Beatty road. When the intead boyfriend turned him around and head for home, he knew the game was up. And out came the poo!!!
And looked who came to visit Justin this morning. Look at this pic. Now in this blog everyone chi ka bi bi!!!!
International news.. the nuclear situation in Japan is not so good as one town is trapped within the 20 km danger zone. In Singapore one out of two Singaporean have lost their mobile and are willing to pay $150 to get it back. Decisions, Decisions, Decisons, this may come as a shock to Sarge Wen. We went ahead to cut his Macadamia nut tree. ( In Singapore today, a colecteral surgeon was suspended for three months for not getting consent from a patient to do a surgical procedure. Ha!Ha!)
Ha!Ha! It seems it will not reach the roof - no Jack and beanstalk story. But nothing goes to waste at Beatty Retirement Home...we recycle things.

Ha!Ha! We stuck the nipped off top on the ground. Will it regenerate itself? If it does there will be two macadamia nut trees for sure.

Complaint, complaint, complaint. We had parcels after parcels delivered at our door steps this week. Sarge Wen went on a frenzy and ordered a dozen book online. The funny thing is that the large parcels are left at our door step and the small ones are kept at the Post Office for us to collect. And must queue somemore!!! There is now enough new books for the whole winter. The indianboyfriend has started on Hunger Games which He thinks may be made into a movie. Yesterday the second book of the triology arrived!
Today is Friday and Weekend is here. Time flies as the Indianboyfriend will be return to Cha Kuay Tiao on Monday.
Have a great Weekend and remember to go to Church!