Friday, March 18, 2011


A trip to collect the Post parcel at Park and then to return home to find that Justin has toppled the things on the table and ransack the garbage bin. We scolded the dog and it ran remorsefully under the coffee table. We proceeded to spank him and he moved sheepishly under the dining table. So remorseful he looked that mybakuteh asked the indianboyfriend to stop scolding and forgave him. Hmm. Academy Award winner for sure. That was Wednesday. On Thurs, we slipped out again to the supermarket, but barked some scolding instructions to Justin and left the bin in the basin. We came back expecting more trouble. But no... he was the perfect dog or learner. Nothing was overturned and no rumaging in the bin. Ha!Ha! We had to reduce the supply of treats Sarge Wen bought.
But he got his revenge back this morning. This intelligent dog did not want to poo until we have walked fifteen minutes - yep all the way across Archer Road and parallel the primary school to almost the end of Beatty road. When the intead boyfriend turned him around and head for home, he knew the game was up. And out came the poo!!!
And looked who came to visit Justin this morning. Look at this pic. Now in this blog everyone chi ka bi bi!!!!
International news.. the nuclear situation in Japan is not so good as one town is trapped within the 20 km danger zone. In Singapore one out of two Singaporean have lost their mobile and are willing to pay $150 to get it back. Decisions, Decisions, Decisons, this may come as a shock to Sarge Wen. We went ahead to cut his Macadamia nut tree. ( In Singapore today, a colecteral surgeon was suspended for three months for not getting consent from a patient to do a surgical procedure. Ha!Ha!)
Ha!Ha! It seems it will not reach the roof - no Jack and beanstalk story. But nothing goes to waste at Beatty Retirement Home...we recycle things.

Ha!Ha! We stuck the nipped off top on the ground. Will it regenerate itself? If it does there will be two macadamia nut trees for sure.

Complaint, complaint, complaint. We had parcels after parcels delivered at our door steps this week. Sarge Wen went on a frenzy and ordered a dozen book online. The funny thing is that the large parcels are left at our door step and the small ones are kept at the Post Office for us to collect. And must queue somemore!!! There is now enough new books for the whole winter. The indianboyfriend has started on Hunger Games which He thinks may be made into a movie. Yesterday the second book of the triology arrived!
Today is Friday and Weekend is here. Time flies as the Indianboyfriend will be return to Cha Kuay Tiao on Monday.
Have a great Weekend and remember to go to Church!

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