Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tong Ching Walk

Ha!Ha! The indianboyfriend came back from his jog to find that Sarge Wen did not walk the dog in the evening. Why? Because Doc Justin was doing it! What happened was the dog went to Doc Justin's room and looked real sorrowful. It shook Doc Justin's heart, and he was compelled to take the chain and walk him! Wonder what will be his next trick!

A typical three legged pose during the walk except this is done about ten times each trip! Then there is the occasional violent churning of the sand!

A plus point for the dog is his obedience at the road crossing. He will immediately sit on the side on instructions and will wait patiently until you give the go. The minus point is that he will tire you with allthe leash pulling when he sees another large  or rabbit size dog. Found out that the dog is not confused over the three different routes taken by the three walkers. The indianboyfriend will straight to ponggul - turn right and go straight pass the school. His regular poo spot is near the park. Sarge Wen does the lazy U turn approach - turn right and make a u-turn at the Lollipop man spot. He says the dog will poo at the house about opposite ours except when the other dog sticks its nose under the fence and excite Justin. That is when the poo does a reverse cycle and it means more walk down the road. Doc Justin takes a left and another left to the train tracks. The only fear the indianboyfriend has is that there is a great Dane there that is unleashed. The miraculous part is that for all three routes, the dog has a regular poo spot!
Ha!Ha! Today is Thursday and be careful tomorrow - its April Fool's Day. Don't get fooled or even better fool someone!

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