Saturday, March 12, 2011

Late Night Visitor

Ha!Ha! Look who popped in last night to deliver mybakuteh her belated birthday pressie. Why, the famous postcard birthday Giver! Don't play play. This chap reached the base camp at Mt KB at 2.30 pm. This means he reached tit is less than 6 hours! The indianboyfriend took 10 hours but Lta Ennoying says the worst case according to the guide was 16 hours... 2 am at night!!! Must be a 80 year old person for sure!!!
Nice home dinner for all with delicious dishes and nice soup! Notice the pics are getting better as there are complaints people on this blog do not smile! In the background outside the window you can see the Macadamia nut tree. It is towering to the roof and a decision has to be made on whether a transplant is needed. Talking about plants or err. transplants, the garden plants are doing pretty well. Look the flowering creeper in all its bloom:

And there is more. The chillis are forever working hard to produce its fruits.

And the lime fruits are coming. Look at the baby fruits.
Pretty bountiful, aren't they? In the afternoon, we were shocked to saw over TV the Sendai tsunami. It reminded us of the 2004 tsunami. Pray the good Lord will watch over this and protect the people of Japan.
Today is Saturday and it is church day. Pray for the continued providential care of the Lord! The weather has been kind it was nice and cool when the indianboyfriend went for his evening jog. Beatty Avenue is becoming a treasure cove. Lost of furniture being thrown away and there is even a mountain of Milch across the street!
Have a great weekend. We are heading for Woolies to top up our phone and buy one for $1!

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