Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cha Boh Ji

Ha!Ha! Today is Internnational Women's Day - the Day the press keeps on asking questions like why so few women Prime Ministers, why so few Company Directors, why so few in politics and then rake up the history books for great Women. For the woman on the street, just enjoy your special day!
Can't believe the Toshiba aircon at home is obsolete. No spare parts at all, so says the repair man. So finally figured out what to do. Remove the bad one in the master bedroom and replace with one of the two remaining good ones! Behold, three becomes two. If the plan is on track, we will be enjoying the coolness on tomorrow night.
Ha!Ha! The joy of retirement. Went for breakfast and saw some ladies, bua yen chi, walking stylo mylo. Then realised it was a working day. You see everyday is a Saturday!
Rained last night and looks like a wet day today.
Eeek! Petrol price in Singapore has crossed the $2 mark! Hey why the gasps?? The indianboyfriend got no car leh! Let's hope taxi fare will not rise in tendem with the coffee in the coffee shop ( they are called Easting House here - yeah eat up your money!).
Have a great Tuesday!

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