Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beatty Retirement Home Gets a New Inmate

Ha!Ha! Beatty Retirement took in its third application... Justin the Dog! He seems to have adjusted well by doing what he does best all day ( and night ) - sleeping!

Nice cushy bed for the dog which he has got used to already.
Grooming and brushing session thrown in every morning in the courtyard!!
Pressie from Justin to Justin. A big chunky bone to chew on!

A smaller but squeaky one from Sarge Wen.

And visitors too! Look at the overjoyed Dog as Lta Ennoying and Kin makes an evening visit.  You can practically see Justin shaking all over with excitement.

Some how or rather, his new favourite spot is on the corner of the corridor where the three doors merge. Perhaps the vantage is excellent!
The house is as clean as a whistle as he is control of his toilet. Only the dog fur litter is now a new sight. So it looks like a happy adjustment and he will be used to this until Sarge Wen leaves the country!

More Videos of Lta Ennoying's Birthday Party. Heard he has a celebration at office yesterday with a cake! Another happy birthday boy shot.

Ha!Ha! Figure this out! Watched an icelandic movie last night where  divorced mother had a live-in lesbian lover. She arranged for a weekend to be away so her lover will be with her adult son. The planned worked and the lover conceived and delivered the baby. Holding up the baby, the confused son asked,
So my stepfather is a lady and my son is also my brother! No wonder the economy went bust!
Today is Wednesday and time to test leaving Justin at home. Watch out for the report tomorrow! Have a great day!

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