Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear Samantha

Ha!Ha! Was looking at some old pics, and spotted one of dear Samantha. Some of us will remember it was the first dog Lta Ennoying has in Perth and it was sadly killed when she bolted out of the house on the road to a on-coming car,
Then there is another of young Sarge Wen and Lta Ennoying. Behold!
Hmm. long hair was in fashion then I supposed.  Finally got the water mattress. The good point was that the old pattern is back. This means Sarge Wen will not have a matching pair.

These are really literally cool! Went shopping for Gatsy too but the NTUC at Yishun does not sell it. So crossed over to Guardian and found it. But no, not yet, crossed over to Cold Storage to check price. Alamat Cold Storage 5cts more so walked back to Guardian.
Local News.. a grave of a 80 year old Chinese woman was found by workers upgrading a lift in Yishun. Block 711. Think property price will depreciate there but one 711 resident brushed it off saying there are cemeteries all over Singapore (???). Today the indianboyfriend will test his negotiation skills with the cobbling cartel in People's Park. Also it is back to office for the day.. cho Kang men!!!!

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