Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Many Faces of Ah Pek

Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen recalculated Justin's age. He's 9 years old and will be about 60 years old human age... retirement years! Here are some of Ah Pek's funny pics.
 Ha!Ha! He's so engrossed that the balloon has got into his head!

The toady Justin... with an inflated tummy balloon!

Penalty for not listening to mybakuteh for not going on the sofa to sleep. Ears folded back for better listening. 

Dead tired after  a walk. As he refused to poo until the Park which is a long distance, made him run back afterwards... but Ah Pek cannot measure up to the rigorous activity. Sarge Wen says he drank up the bowl of water!

And everyone loves Justin... Look at the second visitor. The dog recognises people and never stopped wagging his tail. And when Kin was leaving, Justin whined sadly! But the dog has yet to recognise the indianboyfriend yet.. he only knows Sarge Wen!
Went to IGA yesterdday and saw this funny car. It has words of political protest scribbled all over it!
Wonder if they can do this in Singapore. Garmen probably impound the car and scrap it!!! Back home, dear Samantha who called Heartlanders uncouth finally apologise over radio!

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