Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's back to the dog walking routine!

Finally able to upload this video clip you have been waiting for. King Justin enjoying his forbidden throne with  tail wagging.
Ha!Ha! It was smooth customs clearance last night with the GREEN lane. The luggage was the first to pop out! The flight was quite empty and people will sleeping in the rear seats.
An early visitor for breakfast! Despite all her good efforts, there was no way to blow the tube balloon. The trick was to suck up a lump at the end and then blow away. But no one could do it, not even Sarge Wen. We relented with a conventional balloon.

And the old man is still as excited as before with the game.

No more tooth brushes lying around. These are holders from Melaka! Guess which one Sarge Wen opted for? ( Clue: Wen Wen!). Local news... two Singapore serviceman were attacked brutally by a group of 7 persons while fishing at 3 am. Seems that this was because they had no cigarettes for them. Singaporeans must understand that not everyone has the safety standards at home. Back home, this lady Samantha got quite a reaction when she said heartlanders to Holland Vic are uncultured and should keep away from this place. You know what - one netizen has organised 100 heartlanders to turn up one Sunday wearing singlets and slippers to spite her!
Meanwhile everyone in Singapore is waiting anxiously for garmen to announce election day! Have a great Day!

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