Sarge Wen and Lta Ennoying asked when the indianboyfriend would be eating when he hits Singapore and the answer is obvious - Mee Pok! He was all prepared to pay for a price hike but no, it is still $2.50. Tiger changed for the better last night. The Check in Lady asked me to go to the departure gate early and the plane is expected to arrive early. My ( abnormal) toes were laughing aloud of course. And True enough, the plane arrived early and departed on time. As a result, it landed at 2.30 am, 20 minutes earlier! And there was not all. The seats next to the indianboyfriend were empty until this Aussie sat in the aisle. There goes the space. Then miraculously, he disappeared somewhere when the plane took off. When he did not return, the indianboyfriend took a cue from Justin and the sofa - possession is 90% of the law. So he slid over and had a sleeping berth!!!!Every arrived safely - the bottles were intact and so were the fruits. Papers say that election may be held earlier in end April. Ha!Ha! Our dear Anwar across the causeway has yet another sex scandal charge. This time with a female sex worker. The video was sent to selected journalist. Funny thing why he got himself embroiled over and over again for his sex activity!!!!Petrol prices are not better than Perth as it is well over $2.00. For Octane grade it is now 2.245! In some graphic pics of Sendai, the Papers showed a before and after pic of the city. It is the kind of now you see and now don't. Pretty scary. It says Japan will need 5 years to reconstruct the damage.
Halleluya! The insurance Climb for flight delay cheques are in the letter box. Time to mountain climb again!
Well today is working at home and going for a swimming for the indianboyfriend. He has his lunch settled in the morning - soon kuay dumpling!!! Then in the evening, it will be a trip to buy the 7 kg water mattress if there are any left!!!! And of course the purple Gatsby gel!!!! Meanwhile, got to start taking off the basin stopper and unplugging all the toilet drain holes!
Ha!Ha! It rained last night ... long time never see rain leh!
Have a great day!
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