Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Fullness of Time

Kin has some contractions yesterday but they went away.Then this morning at about 5 something, they came again and she is now in St John's hospital. The dilation has started. So let us all pray for a safe and smooth delivery.
Now for the best curry in Perth.
Curry Master Chef Justin with his pot of savoury curry last night. Unlike his mother who never cooked curry, Justin was self taught. Hmm must pitch his skills against Uncle Hin Weng's famous curry when he is back in Singapore!

Unfortunately, Sarge Wen has to jia ban and only three of us lucky people could savour the curry fresh from the pot!
Nothing much happened yesterday except the arrival of Sarge Wen's new books. The indianboyfriend in now simultaneously reading two books already and these additions will be challenging.
Ha!Ha! The four hour week looks good if you want to make it rich and still have time to enjoy your life! Originally it was turned down by 26 out of 27 publishers and now it has been translated into 35 languages!!!
Oh yes. Uncle B was piang xin... treated mybakuteh well but was unkind to the indianboyfriend.
Today is an exciting day as we await the arrival of the baby.

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