Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Last Binge

Ha!Ha! Can you see mybakuteh quequeing up at the No 4 Stall. This morning  we brave the MRT crowd to go to Ang Mok Kio for what mybakuteh's friend describe as the final shot to last for the next three months! But say what you like the taste was just heavenly!
This is the improved version of Kylie Wong's eggs as new tools are now used. When laid out with the other dishes last night, this is how it looked.
It was a great pot luck. Aunty Nat's fried thai tang hoon was a winner already despigte being spicy. Then Tony brought the famous Hyatt Pizza which was quickly gobbled up. The Coke array of drinks were also a hit with a new cream soda flavour. Then for dessert we had a sugar free cake from June. When the night ended, we could not get a single taxi for half an hour. This was because we stayed back to watched "Ah Di". Then we walked to the Redhill MRT and got home at half past eleven. But this was not the end. We had 3 yellow yellow fruity waiting for us! Hmm. thinking of having another yellow yellow for tea before we leave!
It was full house last night as everyone turned up on time. The key conversation was ship cruises. We learned that Zi Bek has gone on 12 cruises so far and even Halt Chor went on three. Being a Virgo, she sailed the Virgo on a one for one when Virgo month comes along.
Ha!Ha! Come midnight we will be touching our feet in Perth! Thanks goodness we got a SQ flight -hope we get to watch the end it all Harry Porter show!

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