Friday, July 8, 2011

Up & On!

Heartiest Congrats to Lta Ennoying for being appointed as a Director of Stirling Partner! Looks like the young Saint has made it good in Aussieland!
Ha!Ha! Back in Singapore COE has hit the roof. The over 1600 category is now at its highest - $68K! The indianboyfriend and mybakuteh has returned from mountain climbing. This time the climbing is more expansive and they managed to see "Transformers" and "The Green Lantern". Both directors must in cahoot as there is much similiarity in both films - both are about aliens, about the earth's last days, both have a couple ( except in Transformer her role was just to look pretty), both have monsters that dig the ground. Ha!Ha! both also in three D and you can see the glass splinters flying at you.
We had some sad news while climbing. One of mybakuteh's ex-colleague's husband passed away.  Today is Friday and a weekend for all office workers except retirees. Have a great day!

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