Monday, July 11, 2011

Yishun Happenings

On the way down to buy durians last evening there was a big commotion downstairs in the opposite block. Two fire engines arrived followed by a fire engine convertible. Then an ambulance and then a police car. The place then cordoned off. Then they set up a large air bag. We saw police officers inside the building on the six floor. Large crowds gathered but no one knew what happened. Our guess is one one tried to jump but was later apprehended. The next excitement for the evening was eating the yellow yellow durians;
Ha!Ha! We bought the bigger ones this time for $3 each and really ate until we could not move!
No, this is not the Chong Pang Laksa but the laksa Sarge Wen ate in Melbourne. Looks like he is on a food trial there.
Today is Monday and have a great week.

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