Saturday, July 30, 2011

Still Yellow Yellow

Sarge Wen's ( now upgraded to Ah Chek) rule was cannot go and buy durian and eat and then blog about it. But this is different. The indianboyfriend did not buy the durians. Halt Chor ( now upgraded to Ko Poh) went to her's durian plantation in Pontian and came back with a bag of durians. All yellow yellow.
Ha! Also a bag of rambutans.. very good.. took hoot type ie the skin will come off the seed.
Alas two of us cannot finish more than three so Ko Poh has to do the honours herself over the next day or so. Also Ko Poh managed to do the impossible... can an exchange on tupperware... they are gauranteed for life.
Lo and Behold as good as new.
And hanging on her wall is a new painting done by her - water colour. It is a picture of Sarge Wen in Ballarat panning for gold. Very ziang one.
Heard Kaledoscop3 picture is work in progress.
Local news garmen opening all 7 musuems for free in Aug as part of National day. Will go to Asian civilisation musuem on Monday to see ping ma yong ( terracotta) and save $8! Ha!Ha!
Tonight is the BBQ. Enjoy!

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