Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lo Hei in Hopkinson Way

It was  an evening of good fortune seeking as we had our Perth Reunion at the brand new Hopkinson home. Under Xian hospitality, we had a Korean BBQ feast ( which has been aunthenicated by Angela!).  Thank  God
 for family love.
And to join in the festivities were our kitty friends.
Kitty with fake mouse!
A shy Kitty.
Not so shy family members hard at work
Huar ah, huat ah, everybody.
Sizzling BBQ meat for all!

Yummy yummy food and more food!

Ha!Ha! Does it look like a Dragon? No applause please!Thanks to Xian for the memorable evening and all her hard work to provide for the occasion! The night climax with a magmum for all!

Meanwhile, Hannah has survived the Camping trip and is now a tenderfoot!
And now you see it and now you don't. Hey presto and Kaleodscop3 care plates have changed from R3N to 777!!!!
Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Family at Port Beach

Ha! Ha! The family pic after the wedding ceremony. Praise God for the beautiful wedding and for the good friends and family members. Congrats to both wonderful bride and groom. ( need to click on photo to get full view)

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Beautiful Beach Wedding

Congratulations to Kaledoscop3 and Lins on their wedding day! It was a unique wedding ceremony held on Port Beach in Perth at Fremantle. The sun came up but this does not deter the wedding becoming the event of the year! The radiant bride arrived at 7.30 am sharp and was given away by the Father and Mother! There were many family members and friends to support the occasion. Among them was Kaledoscop3 best friend Susan who flew in with her hubby just to grace the occasion. Halt Chor also flew in specially to witness the occasion. Present was also Dr Justin Cheok. Lins' family also gave wonderful support with the presence of brother Russel, sister Jenny and sister-in-law Allison. The wedding was followed by brunch at Simmons Parade home.  May the Lord truly bless this couple as they enter into a new chapter of their lives as husband and wife!
Praise the Lord for matrimonal love!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back to Perth

We are back to Perth and the harsh Summer has about killed the blooms in Beatty avenue.

We lost no time in getting to fish head mee hoon... and it was heavenly. So were Kaledoscop3' R2D2 giant mangoes.
And in the summer heat we cooled down in the Simmonds Parade swimming pool!
Something sad happened at Langford when the indianboyfriend went to feed the dogs. Pirate and Justin suddenly burst into a fight and violently attacked one another. Pirate was stronger than Ah Pek and bite Justin bloody in several spots including th thigh, cheek and back. He pinned Justin down by his sheer weight. Brusied, Justin went back to his meal. This was the first time the indianboyfriend witnessed the verocity of both dogs.

Today is Australia Day. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Kaledoscop3!

Today is the seconday of the Chinese Lunar New year and it is also the Birthday for Kaledoscop3. Double joy and happiness to you!

May the Lord truly blessed you in the year ahead with good health and success in all your endeavours!
Meanwhile back in Singapore, it was Ang Pow giving and collection day.

The Day began with mybakuteh giving out the first ang pow to Joab who says " Gong Xi Fai Chai" to everyone who gives him an Ang Pow.
It was a morning of Matching colours for joab and Ethan, Wai Ping and Hubby and Yin Peng and Gayle!
Hmm great togetherness for hubby and wify.
Brotherly similarities for Ethan and Joab
Mummy and daughter sharing one shirt????
A picture of the cousins who are no longer little!
Then the party moved to Yishun!
With Gayle and Gabriel playing the same old matroska!

And it was also a morning of ang pow collection. The Cheoks have been generous in their new year greetings!
And the winner of the most ang pows received goes to Hannah who is now enjoying her new swing toy!
The bottom row belongs to Hannah, the second row to Sarge Wen AC
and the top to Kaledoscop3 who will be receiving for the last year!

It was an enjoyable but tiring day - enjoyable because we could meet up with family and to learn that everything is well through the Lord's blessings.
Today is Chiu zi and it is time to fly back to Perth to continue our celebrations with the Perth Family. What better way to start this beautiful day than to facetime with dear Hannah!
Dear Hannah enjoying her special meal mixture of love letters, bak kwa and kueh banka! Hee! Hee!

For the rest of us, continue on the celebrations and remember the goodness of the Lord always!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Xian Nian Kuai Le!

A happy New Year from a truly happy Hannah who is delighted to greet the Dragon Year for sure!
Welcomed the Dragon Year last night at Henry place and there was food abundant for all.
This year mybakuteh's yu sang came out tops! Everyone commended on the preparation but alamak, the indianboyfriend did not get credit for the design.
Surely it looks like a Dragon except some people say it looks like a dinasaur and this some people is not Eton or Joab either!
Another pic of the lor hei.. Ha!Ha! Glad to learn the indianboyfriend is not alone in having thinning crown!
And the spread of food...
And Xian's special olives.. Bak Kwa comes today!
And everyone tucking in merrily.
And nostalgia sets in. The children's table which used to have little boys and girls crowding around is now filled by too adult cousins!
And magnum for deserts too!
And we have a happy video girl Nikky who went about take funny shots of every one!
And even the doggy was celebrating with us!
Gong xi fai Chai! Wan sze ru yi! sheng di qian kang! Pu pu kao sheng!
What we saying is Huat, huat, Huat.
May the Good Lord truly bless!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Xin Nian Kuai le!

Ha!Ha! Cai Shen dao! Tonight is Nerw year's eve. People are rushing to buy the arowana fish ( dragon fish) at $6000 up for each. And Also the dragon cat - which is a rodent for $300 up each. Last year 400 rabbits were abandoned after the end of the celebrations! So the Cheok's reunion dinner is at Mayflower.

And it was Chinese New year cookies buying yesterday. Hmm the indianboyfriend also sampled every type when mybakuteh was chosing!

Ha!Ha! Finished Murakaim 1Q84 Book 3 in my Kindle yesterday! Looks like there is a need for 1Q84 Book 4 as the story is not exactly complete! Clever Murakami! I bet this book will be made into a movie with Part
Ha!Ha! Look at Chong Pang Yesterday.
You practically cannot move around with all the oranges piling up for sale and the pomeloes and all the Chinese cookies! Funny come tomorrow morning, it will be a deserted place. Look out for last minute drop prices tonight. Pity Lta Ennoying D is not in Singapore or he will pop down Chinatown as usual buying his after midnight bargain... On second thought with Chubbers, he may have to change his routine!
Location, location, location. This is the lucky 7 Eleven ToTo stall in Chong Pang with long queues as usual. And look at Mr Business Man who put up his number selecting birds for the punters! Strategic targeting for sure!
Think the indianboyfriend's Ipad has gone haywire. Keep on cutting off when on internet. Hmm don't know got warranty or not without receipt.
Read foour people were hit my lightning in Perth yesterday. One man describe it was a spade hitting his chest. Another shivered as the lightning hit near him... Papers said there were 8,000 lightning strikes yesterday! It is certainly a good time not to strike anything!
Today is Sunday and it is also the Lord's Day.  It will be a Chinese New year appreciation service this morning! Got to figure out about breaky tomorrow as all shops will be closed from noon today!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Heaviest downpour!

It was one of the heaviest thunderstorm yesterday for sure. The whole sky was black and then torrential rains fell in the afternoon. Of course there were floods - in Thomson, Tanglin and Verasamy road.
Ha!Ha! Face time with Chubbers again this morning. She really looked very chirpy today and was smiling over the video! Learned she is now eating a lot.. and standing at the corner, we present the babyweight champion of Langford, weighing in at 5.4 kg!

We got the beautiful angpows from stirling partners. They were nicely embossed and there was a nice message attached. Long nian da chi da li!!!!
And mybuket went on her lunchdate with her good friends and came back with two big ang pows for Hannah... and one in Australian dollars some more!!!
Back to the cruise pics. This video clip shows the ship in motion.
The ship has a library and here is mybakuteh signing back the book she borrowed and read on the trip.

And one of the value moments of the cruise. Sunrise across the horizon.
The daily breakfast is wonderful. Not buffet but table served and you can get almost anything you want and repeat orders if you can eat!
And this is a find waldo pic. Where is mybakuteh?
Well she is right here eating her lunch, or brunch, or maybe tea!

Went for a search for Scrawny but cannot find her. Hope she is not killed by some one.
Today is Saturday and we did not become millionaires judging from the location of the 6 winning retail outlets!  Anyway, life goes on and remember we are already so richly blessed by the good Lord. Enjoy the weekend