Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rain everywhere

Phuket rain, red hill rain so the umbrella collection grows mighty, now with a designer 7-11 brolly.
And good face time with dear Hannah today! Look carefully and you may be able to spot the pee sai!

More detoxification before intake of fresh poison

Ha!ha! More muay last night with crat crat and white bait omelette. The bunch of bananas - ji cheo fell on the floor and were squashed. Never ate so much bananas before at one go. Meanwhile it's déjà vu. Hannah is following the footsteps of his kor2 Justin in raiding the larder. Only Justin at Vic park broke the fish sauce and ate it. Meanwhile the indianboyfriend tiu Lian. Took mrt to jurong east and changed trains wrongly - one to joo
Koon and again to Chinese garden. And there were only two lines. If in Tokyo or Seoul sure die!
After detox, it will be off to Chong Pang tomorrow to buy D24 yellow yellow durians. The rekky lady said three for $ 10 only . Happy days are here again!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back to Yishun

Can't believe we are back so quickly. It's back to the old routine of Chong Pang and swimming. Last night the process of detox began with porridge and crat crat! Hope it does not rain like Phuket here. Meanwhile dear Hannah is having a whale of a time at play school.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ft with Hannah!

Before going to airport, got to ft dear Hannah

Japanese food

Ha!ha! Yesterday was last day in Phuket. Never stayed as long as 7 nights in one hotel straight. Got good news from Sarge Wen the Success bee blinds are up... No more Sarge the Tu-er for sure except for Canning Vale copper picture! Had good jap food yesterday - comes with free fruits and coffee and tea! What have done.
1. FaceTime with kaleidoscop3 twice.
2 had nuat nuat almost everyday
3 ate Thai food everyday
4 went shopping everyday
5 walk in the rain everyday
6 eat the same brekky everyday.
7 swam the same hotel pool almost everyday.
8 finished game of thrones book 5. Is there a book 6 or 7.
What we have not done
1 have not eaten at Hard Rock despite being across the hotel
2 did not go to Phi Phi island
3 did not go to Phuket Fantasea show
4 did not go James bond island
5 did not go for elephant ride
6 did not swim in the surf filled patong beach
7 did not go to Simon Cabaret
In short, we did nothing touristy! Mybakuteh says we need to go on a five day porridge diet when we get home today to de-Tom yum the system... Hopefully she was thinking ofKuay chap porridge! Ha!ha! Next month got Scoopon 5 day stay in Bali - Babi pengang every day? Looks like dear Hannah had a good day at play school. Pity Success PlaySchool is on vacation!

Monday, May 28, 2012

More Thai food

Ha! Ha! Managed to FT with kaledoscop3 at Dubai! Alamak. She reached home at 2.30 am and we ft her at 6.00 am! Wow! She flew back by the A380! And went to Asterick theme park. Wondered how Obelisk looks like in life size character! Spent the morning at Jung Ceylon. On the way walking there, caught by heavy thunderstorm. Everything flying here and there. Had lunch at fine dining Thai restaurant ordered the deep fried grouper but gave it only a 5 - just like everything in Phuket - all bluff one. Then went for footsie - mybakuteh says the best so far and we will return today for a final double whammy - foot and body. Our body is now like jellyfish with he daily neat neat and our tummy burning with the Tom yum soup in put. The hotel pool this morning very good - switched on the waterfall, the massage bubble corner and the massage bubble bed! One word of advice - this is bad time for Phuket- rainy season.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

What kind of crab?

Alamak! Took public bus to Phuket town. Bus as old as the former STC bus. The bus crawled alomg Patong beach to pick up more customers so we had a free tour. Saw the beach the second time. Must go for a dip! Went to Festival Phuket, the biggest shopping centre in the town. And big it was. Had a cinema so went to see MIB3 in 3D. Funny movie especially the alien food at the Chinese restaurant. Then saw the BBQ restaurant and had a good roast. Then it rained dogs, cats and elephants. Waited in the rain for the return bus. Alamak! The return bus was a giant tuk tuk belching out thick black smoke. Lucky it passed the hotel so no need to walk back from the station. Then came back hotel, got power failure due to thunderstorm. Heng ah 2. ... Services were soon restored. And what kind of crab did we buy from town ?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rain rain go away

Alamak! Rain and rain everyday ! Yesterday it was thunderstorm in the afternoon. Last night also heavy rain! Wrong season and low season for Phuket. But everything no problem as we were inside the shopping centre all afternoon. Got cinema some more so went to see Avengers! Children's story but the most amusing was the incredible hulk! The NY battle scene reminds of the transformers! After movie very hungry so went to Shabu oishi again. This morning big business. Saw a tennis polo dress for dear Hannah. Had to add to her polo collection. Today is Sat - election day! Still got many more days at hotel! Hope there will be lesser rain!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Could not ft with Hannah today hand tomorrow because using Phuket time - one hour behind! Yesterday went to Jung Ceylon - phuket's paragon. Wah so big and lucky got Shabu oishi - each all you can eat for one hour. Then saw many facial shops on discount . Tried one for one hour and the indianboyfriend felt lighter. So many blackheads came out. Must adjust time to ft dear Hannah on Monday!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

More Thai food

Ha! Ha! It 's Thai food every day now. Has a nice meal at holiday inn Chinese restaurant last night. But hotel very bad. No wifi. Lugged 2 iPads there in vain. Then go for massage. Alamak. Put hong yu to rub and got this cooling sensation. Don't know good feeling or bad. Hotel is next to the new Hard rock cafe. Got open show every night. Must go for a meal soon. Bought hotel Internet by the hour for ft with Dear Hannah so cannot be on air indefinitely .

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sawadee Krup!

Ha! Ha! Don't believe we are now in Phuket! Scoopon rep was not around so no wifi access. Had to have lunch at a free wifi shop. Great Tom yum soup! And fresh coconut! The hotel is okay but not that four star. Great pool views though. Hopefully can see the rep tomorrow morning for wifi access.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oui. oui, Mademoiselle Miller!

Ha! Mademoiselle Kaledoscop3 is at the Palace of Versailles in Paris joining the mad crowd in view the place. The palace was the centre of political power during King Louis IV reign and was later closed down due to the Revolution.
That is so much the indianboyfriend know of the history. He was then many years also and remembered buying a little porcelain ring container at the
sourvenir shop outside.
No, this is not a photoshot enchancement. It is Lins live in person at the palce grounds.

And it is back to Chubbers at Langford early in the morning.
A shriek of delight when she say her MaMa and Kon2.. hopefully.

More sounds of delight as she sees her teddy dog... wishfully!
And soon it is bye bey from dear Hannah!
And it is back to Chong Pang for Kolo mee. Half the price and half the quantity!
And here is the video clip the indianboyfriend promised you.
Alamak! Have to tilt your head to view!
Have a great week ahead.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Most Romantic Wedding

It was certainly a most romantic wedding for Kevin and Dawn at the Pan pacif last night. The repeated heart- felt confessions of "I love you" was heard throughout the wedding. And look what happen above when the JP said you may kiss the bride!
It was also a roam-atic evening for mybakuteh and the indianboyfriend. Alamak! Went to the Pan pacific marina and was told the hotel was closed down for renovations! Then jumped into a cab and even the driver said here is Pan Pacific. The lesson is to read your  invite carefully or phrase the address clearly. It is the former negara hotel at claymore road!

A view of the stage where the bride and groom were. The room housed 12 tables.
This is the kong's table and at that moment we were enjoying the thick juicy sharkfin. The Indianboyfriend was next to Ramesh who saw there was remnant on the serving bowl and arranged for himself and the indianboyfriend to have a second bowl each. Very song ah!
The menu and table gift which are two magnetic can openers.
Multipurpose fridge magnets!
What is a wedding without the usual hot chicks!

Nice pics from the photo album
The picture tells it all. Once you are married, you become lumber Two!

Yep.. marriage is into a family and above are the two families!
Watch out tomorrow for the video clips.
But the most romantic is dear Hannah in the morning. Heard she is now waking up a bit earlier! Nothing life a great smile to start the Lord's Day off! The pastor today spoke on "It is not done yet". How true... so many things to do in the house and garden! Wonder if Sarge Wen's pic is up yet... Hmm with D3.. it looks unlikely!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Another Ko2 for Dear Hannah

When we FT Hannah from the hotel yesterday, Daddy says to buy a bear for her! So we scouted around and saw a soft toy shop. There were lots of bear and we choose one cute one. Alamat. Found out it was a doggie! Hannah has 4 Ko2 but this last one is different - does not eat or pee or sh.... just love to be cuddled especially lifting the Tee and kissing the tummy!
This is a clip of the lobby area of the hotel... looks like a mini musical fountain for sure! Problem it runs 24 hours with extremely loud music. Sorry but don't know how to  invert the video.
And this is the amazing terra cotta warrior standing in the lobby. Real man inside but does not move an inch. Not even when you hold his sword!

Now it is back to Chong Pang - to good old yu tiao and coffee or tea.
And to cheap fruits... $3 per kilo versus $14 in spudshed!
Lta Ennoying says it is getting colder in Perth now but it is freaking hot over here! Hmmm should have bought the jet fruit too!
Tonight is Kevin Gay"s wedding at Pan Pacific. Hmm wear tie and ta ba!!!!