Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Success PlaySchool Orientation Day

Well it was Success Play School Orientation Day last Sunday and the only potential student is all excited about it!
Wah also got laptop to play with, man!
And Choo choo train too!
Wah, this is more fun than I figured!
You got any  other toys or not?
Why the floor so cold and hard? ( Note: Classroom is carpeted)
Wah, more fun if there are no toys around!
I don't need toys actually, just a smooth floor to crawl and explore!
Just kidding... get some more toys leh... and throw in some books now you are in it!
What are you all looking at? Never been to an orientation program before, is it?
Well personal hygience is very important in the school. So the orientation ended with a tooth brushing session err. what we meant is a gum brushing session. Parental involvement is very important too so we got the Father to participate and bond with the child. Here is the video:
Meanwhile, it was Pumpkin Meal time last night.
Hmm hte hand that cooked it is on the left and the hand that opened the ceremony is on the right!
The weather is getting darker and at 6.30 am this morning, it was still dark. And the days are getting colder.  Well, one more day and we will be back in Singapore, and not necessary home!

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