Monday, May 21, 2012

Oui. oui, Mademoiselle Miller!

Ha! Mademoiselle Kaledoscop3 is at the Palace of Versailles in Paris joining the mad crowd in view the place. The palace was the centre of political power during King Louis IV reign and was later closed down due to the Revolution.
That is so much the indianboyfriend know of the history. He was then many years also and remembered buying a little porcelain ring container at the
sourvenir shop outside.
No, this is not a photoshot enchancement. It is Lins live in person at the palce grounds.

And it is back to Chubbers at Langford early in the morning.
A shriek of delight when she say her MaMa and Kon2.. hopefully.

More sounds of delight as she sees her teddy dog... wishfully!
And soon it is bye bey from dear Hannah!
And it is back to Chong Pang for Kolo mee. Half the price and half the quantity!
And here is the video clip the indianboyfriend promised you.
Alamak! Have to tilt your head to view!
Have a great week ahead.

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