Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Little Jack Horner II

Little Hannah Khonger,
Sat in a Corner
Eating her breeky meal.
One hand, two hands
Soon everything's a goner!
But dear Hannah is still little
So where's all the food gone
Her Mummy wondered!
And look at the Mother's Day pressie Sarge Wen and Angela gave to mybakuteh! Open the box and savour the fragrance!
The famous durian puff from Goodwood Park Hotel... Eating them between two of us will be a huff and puff affair!

And it is the famous Adam Road's nasi lemak on Sunday Morning.
Sarge Wen jia everything... otak, potato etc and even when to the noodle stall and got fishball soup!
Sarge Wen left a package for his friend who lives at Mimosa Cresent. Post it he said as the house is deep off the road. But the indianboyfriend went to google and found there was a straight bus. So he attempted a door delivery and alamak... the indianboyfriend lau ming also hiew! Walk, walk , walk and thinking should have taken Sarge Wen's wise advice. But on the flip side, got to see the Millionaire row. Alamak all houses there very big at least 2-3 million each! But this is nothing. There is one bungalow house recently up for sale for 100m at Sentosa Cove!!!
Meanwhile we common people have to wait patiently for the Thursday 1.5m Toto. Forget! Got to call Mr Teoh again.

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