Monday, May 28, 2012

More Thai food

Ha! Ha! Managed to FT with kaledoscop3 at Dubai! Alamak. She reached home at 2.30 am and we ft her at 6.00 am! Wow! She flew back by the A380! And went to Asterick theme park. Wondered how Obelisk looks like in life size character! Spent the morning at Jung Ceylon. On the way walking there, caught by heavy thunderstorm. Everything flying here and there. Had lunch at fine dining Thai restaurant ordered the deep fried grouper but gave it only a 5 - just like everything in Phuket - all bluff one. Then went for footsie - mybakuteh says the best so far and we will return today for a final double whammy - foot and body. Our body is now like jellyfish with he daily neat neat and our tummy burning with the Tom yum soup in put. The hotel pool this morning very good - switched on the waterfall, the massage bubble corner and the massage bubble bed! One word of advice - this is bad time for Phuket- rainy season.

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