Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good Morning Hannah

It's facetime with Hannah today again ( tuesday & Thursday) and she is very alert! We showed her the teddy bear her father played with 30 over years ago and she responded by reaching towards the ipad. The indianboyfriend's friend commented she thought Hannah was a boy and come to think about it, she looks like her Father when he was about a year old.
Yesterday could not go to Chong Pang because of heavy rain. Then when the rain stopped the indianboyfriend went swimming. Only two mad dogs in the big pool - one is the indianboyfriend. Then one mad dog left and another came in. All the chilly pool to himself. Today it was a fine day and it is off to Chong Pang. So we tried a new noodle stall. Hmm about 6 out of 10. Then made some new discoveries. There is another hairdresser that charges only $3.50 per cut and dye is only $20/- looks like keep competition.  Then looked high and low for durians and only found mangosteen.
Ha!Ha! So got mangosteen instead... $2 per kilo and not $14!
We discover this pau shop in Chong Pang. It is freshly made on the spot! You can see the steaming buns pulled out of the steamer!
Facetimed with Kaledoscop3 too this morning. Her tau gei is blooming big time!

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