Monday, May 7, 2012

Dubai No 5 Stall

Ha!Ha! Looks like Kaledoscop3 is not going to miss the Ni 4 stall in Dubai. Her creative cooking has whipped up a parallel version of No 4 in Dubai...Wonder if she put in lots of chopped liver in the soup!
Smiles for the brave Trooper yesterday. Guest it is like the song of Music
When I am sad I just sit on my swing and I don't feel so bad!!!!
Ha!Ha! The food court at Northpoint has just been renovated so we went kwan kwan after church. Alamak.. saw the Ba Kwa stall selling at 50% discount and also say last day. So bought and have an epicurean TV life style..
Back in Singapore it is getting the Perth winter rains. It has been not only pouring but the thunder is so loud that you would have thought the heavens exploded... Heard good news from Sarge Wen... he is asking for the drill whereabouts.. this means his copper drawing will be up soon!!!
The Good Wife... Alamak last night commented to mybakuteh that the indianboyfriend is craving for jin chow... Alamak, the good wife responded by going downstairs almost immediately to buy it from Aunty Lucy and last night it was sumptious jin chow over TV! Then never mind... when in Perth and Kaledoscop3 chiarh us to the Penang Laksa with side dish Hey Ko aka prawn paste, the indianboyfriend remarked how he ate sliced turnip with the paste. Alamak... last night during dinner there was a bottle of hey ko and sliced turnip! Yummy... like old days buying from the street hawker after school.
And there is three quarters more turnip in the fridge!
Mybakuteh has been busy since arrival on a cockroach killing spree and now it is almost done, she is perfecting her zukini eggless muffins for dear Hannah... The  indianboyfriend tasted... pretty good, not so sweet but she complained it did not rise. Well as the pastor preached on Sunday, what is important is not to be on time but on track!
Today is Monday and start of another great week! Enjoy and savour life as The good Lord has given us!

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