Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day came early

Ha!Ha! The door chime ran yesterday and we thought it went haywire again. But no, there was a parcel delivery at the door. And it was mybakuteh's Mother's Day pressie!
The jetstar couple finally arrived last night - at almost midnight. It seems the rescheduled flight was delayed again for another two hours. They forgot to tell the pilot about it! Well that's Jokestar alright. And it was ta bao No 4 for then for brekky...
Talking about ta bao, the indianboyfriend got on his trusty bike and went to ta bao the best Laksa in Singapore - at Yishun. Not like the curry ones in Perth with  milk. And they separate the soup from the noodles like number 4. The cycling was heavy as the bike has little air left in the tires. Then surprising the bicycle shop at Yishun was opened for once and with the compressed air, riding became soon and easy.
Ha!Ha! Went to Yishun this morning and so Media Corp working hard. Mark Lee ( the one with the pocky face) was doing some program. Mine what a hot day!

Back at Dubai, Kaledoscop3 is having a good time with the Dubai Singaporeans. You really feel Singaporean when you are overseas and have the chance to meet up with fellow Singaporeans.

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