Friday, May 4, 2012

Great Meals Think Alike

Ha! Ha! The indianboyfriend wondered what to have for lunch yesterday and mybakuteh thought of exactly the same thing - Indian Rojak!
Went to Chong Pang and saw a long queuue for TOTO. Found out the reason is jackpot has been raised to $3m. Ha!Ha! Compared to Oz Lotto, this is pittance. Oz Lotto next Tuesday is $70m which is $90m in S$!!!! Mind staggering prize. If teoed, sure go mad!
But may have to settle with $3m.. ha!ha! as cannot Oz Lotto anyway!
By the way, does anyone know where to buy "ya thng" in Singapore. YOu know the melaka sago sweets we use to eat?

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