Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chao San Hao, Dear Hannah

Ha!Ha! Think the MaMa is happier than dear Hannah. The winter is here so you can see she is quite wrapped up. And she is playing with her new toy... err inherited from Natalie... I mean...

Distracted by the sweet appearance of Mummy... even the Bear toy cannot hold her attention!
See the happy Hannah in the morning and the even happier MaMa!
Look at my latest crawl technique
MaMa still smiling... who cannot smile when they see dear Hannah. I know you are there in the ipad MaMa!!!

Uniquely Singapore... Kuay Chap at Yishun....
Yesterday the sky was dark but the resolute indianboyfriend still went to the pool. There were other mad dogs there too swimming. Then the thunder cracked and the life guard blew his whistle to chase the indianboyfriend out. But the life guard was very nice about it... it is for your own protection, he says... Then the indianboyfriend was about to ask for a refund of the 50 cts entry fee as he only swam two laps... Ha!Ha! on second thought big pool, near house and only 50 cts.. just be thankful for such convenience.
Wonder what song Sarge Wen will post now on facebook for the 20m Lotto tonight? Better contact Mr Teo and give hima first class ticket to Perth, Success!

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