Sunday, June 10, 2012

Brave Little Warrior

Having an infected throat and yet braving it out remarkably!That's our brave little Warrior! Hmm home call for Dr Ryan who reassured it was teething related problem. Hmm.. wonder where was Dr Cheok!
Ha!Ha! All sleepy heads on board on the way home from church. Wondered if the driver dozed off too! Look at dear Hannah. Like kon2, she looks bald from a particular angle!!!
Examination American Idol style. Ha!Ha! Went for oral exams on Saturday and they the American Idol style. If you pass, they tell you on the spot and give you a piece of paper. And the indianboyfriend walked out with a piece of paper!!! Ha!Ha! Know now how those performers felt.
Well time flies and we are going over to Cebu for one week tomorrow. Hmm heard that the malls are enormous and their shoe mart amazingly extensive.  Well it will be pesos for the next few days. Hopefully we will not have the Phuket Wifi problem!

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