Saturday, June 23, 2012

S'pore's Wild but still Boring!

Ha!Ha! Is Singapore Wild? Of course! Boring? Yes. How come? Aiyah, go to Bishan Park and you will see the Wild Boar! Mybakuteh now says better not sit the MRT or yellow T-Shirt Aunties will abuse you. Cannot sit Taxi because they may crash at Traffic junction. Then walk lah... but cannot.. wild boar will come out and charge at you. Today, papers says a 5 year old boy was charged by a wild boar. Police later shot it and took carcass away. Wonder what they do with the carcass. Last time go Chinese Wayang, always eat swa tee bak... very delicious man!!!
This picture very special... Hannah can see light before the end of tunnel!!
Deja vu.. another home made coconut jelly... Alamak.. went to Chong Pang today and they sell also... cho ka ay si ai wa!

They are flown in from Thailand... Alamak.. go Phuket look and look cannot find. Now right at the door steps and probably cheaper.
Chong Pang on sale... eng chai going at 50cts a bundle!!!!
Indian rojak for lunch yesterday... By the look of Halt Chor's eyes, it must either be pretty tasty or expensive!
Ha!Ha! Enjoy your weekend. If you go to Bishan Park be prepared to be bored!

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