Saturday, June 9, 2012

Will trhe Real Hannah please stand up?

Ha!Ha! It is Hannah guessing time. The above is picture one.
This is Picture 2 of Hannah
This is picture 3 of Hannah

This is Hannah 4 picture.... the results of your guess?
(1) The Real Hannah
(2) Hannah's Daddy
(3) Hannah's Daddy
(4) Hannah's Ah Chek - Sarge Wen
Did you get them right? Very Jian, eh!!!!
Alamak! Did not blog about the tornado Dianella in Morley. Seems the Wizard of Oz has visited Perth... Better check the house insurance to make sure they are paid and comprehensive enough!
Today is Saturday and it was Cheoks brekky at Chong Pang despite the morning shower. It is also the indianboyfriend's exam day. Wish him luck!
And what's more, it's weekend!

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