Saturday, June 16, 2012

Letter from Hannah

Surprise...Surprise..Got letter from Hannah in  the mail, with Mummy, Daddy and Dear Hannah  wishing Kon2 Happy  Father (GrandFather's)Day! This picture is a celebrity as it is also the pic for her Luggage tag.

Ha!Ha! It is also the wall paper pic for Kons' Ipad.
Today it is back to Chong Pang and enjoying morning coffee. Alamak, Cebu airport got 550 peso departure tax... Airport got no free wifi some more! And the restaurant... 450 pesos for a bowl of ramen!!!! Got mee pok here at Chong Pang for 80 pesos only! Ya... comprain, comprain, comprain!
Back to cheap fruits like fresh coconut.
Alamak.. in Philippines, it is $1.50 and in Phuket $3.20!

And cheap mangosteens.
Alamak! Both mybakuteh and the indianboyfriend got bitten by a caterpillar in Cebu and this morning we looked different!
No need for MRT card.. just flutter around town!
Wonder how to sleep tonight!
Have a great weekend!

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