Thursday, June 14, 2012

Inedible Chocs

Ha! Ha! Ferry to Bohol was two hours- like going to Bataam. Alamak! Went to Pier too early but heng ah got handicap people doing pedicure and manicure for only 100 pesos! Now the indianboyfriend's nails are almost perfect.
Then how come got dear Hannah's picture on people's computer? Ha! Ha! Just making a luggage tag for Mummy & Daddy!
Bohol is an unique island. Only 1.2 m people and have only one city. The pedicab there sits three - two on the seat next to the motorcycle and one riding pillion behind. Also all pedicab must paint a biblical verse at the rear. Failure to do so will mean licence will not be issued!
Went to see the famous Chocolate Hills. These are geological phenomena. Created when the island was lifted out of the sea. But the locals prefer to believe they are the result of the solidification of a giant's tears- a giant who wept bitterly at the death of the human who did not reciprocate his love.
Either way, there are no chocolates to eat. To view them best, you need to climb 214 steps up a hill to view them. Mybakuteh declined the climb as her queasiness returned by the winding climbing. As for the indianboyfriend, he made it but he air lay Mia ai hew hence they sell t-shirts with words - I climbed the 214 steps to see the Choc Hills.
We went to a butterfly farm. Thought it would be borrowing but had a good guide. Do you know that butterflies mate for at least 6 hours?
Not only planes are delayed- ferries are delayed too. So we got back to Cebu at 9 pm. It was quite a good experience at Bohol.

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