Thursday, June 7, 2012

Loving Ah Chek

Look at dear Hannah and A Chek at Langford! She says, "Wow! Your SK II really works wonder on your face!
Back at Chong Pang, it is all yellow yellow.. But beware.. you can see
this display fruit is rigged. The centre row is piled on the stem. When you buy and open - alamak only five seeds! Then your face becomes yellow yellow too.
Then there is yellow yellow bananas at $2 each only. Almost
bought the yellow yellow nangka but was afraid of the poor quality.
Then it was canning Yun again. Plants galore on sale for a song too!
When we got home, we saw the Yishun cat feeder. We quickly asked her if she wanted the remants of our cat food for Scrawy and she did. Imagine feeding the cat with canned food... expensive affair for sure.
Ha!hA! Anthony Tan is back in Singapore for te church camp and we are meeting him up for lunch today!

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