Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Starting the Day off Right with Hannah

A smile from dear Hannah sets off the day right for sure!!!Wonder if she knows the ipad pic are her grandparents!
Got a Post Card from France and you know it is from her. She talks about her friend Mr Tan visiting her! Well Mr Tan also visited us this morning at Chong Pang. Saw the yellow yellow durians at $2 each. Bought two and when saw they were good got three. Then Uncle charge $5 for 3! Hmm That is Mr Tan... err in case you are puzzled.. Mr Tan Tio!

It was a messy day yesterday as the workers came to pick up the new aircon units. One of the three old one died on us as there was no spare parts available. Then the second one also died on us during Sarge Wen's recent visit. To prevent further deaths, we got them replaced. Wah.. very good one.. three men worked the whole day and there is no hourly labour charges - free installation. No call out fee.. no fee to dispose of old units and they even asked for a broom to sweep up the dust! All set for the next return of the children!!!!
Look what the Chong Pang Hairdresser did to the indianboyfriend... Luckily myabakuteh waved her dying wand or it will be white hedgehog!
Ha!Ha! a truly Chong Pang Uncle now!!!! Alamak! Found Canning Shun at Chong Pang. Rambutans... stuff as many as you can into a bag for $1! Aunties all over the stall...
Measnwhile, it is cheap good durians everyday for supper... Blurp... blurp!!!

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