Monday, June 18, 2012

Do you believe in Birth Angels?

This is the oldest church iu Bohol - 415 years to be exact. Think it is called the Baclayon church. You should visit the museum next to it - it is really old and run down like the ages.
This is the inside of the church. The church is packed every Sunday for Mass.
Ha!Ha! We spoke to the Nun and this is St Uriel, carrying the scales of justice! This is the birth angel of dear Hannah - Wednesday Child.
We got it from the souvenir shop and comes with a write up of the Angel.
No, no, the Birth Angel is not plaindromic - Leiru is certainly not!
Ha!Ha! A Catholic view - wonder if it will be a Like from Angela!
Walau.. went to Chong Pang in the afternoon for lunch and it was blazsing hot. One the way found that the Shop and Save at the corner of Str 72 was burglared. But the trip was worth it - bought two more coconuts and more mangoes for mango juice.
This morning took train to school- alamak decided to take the city route. No seats all the way. The only time there was a seat was one stop away from destination. Anyway school is very good. Got free  strong wifi, free coffee and nice powerpoint station to use laptop! Hmm hope to get another "American Idol" pass slip soon!
Ha!Ha! Mybakuteh is now sweating it out in botanic gardens or is she now at Raffles town club enjoying brekky?

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