Friday, June 29, 2012

Dear Hannah is better!

Ha! Ha! FaceTime Hannah this morning and sighed a relief she is on her way to recovery. She looks well but no smiles yet so it will take a day or two more. MaMa so happy that she went for manicure and pedicure this morning. We the explored the shopping centre and ate again for the third time at the cozy spot. Made a lucky find - the game of thrones season 2 in original DVD! Went for sunset horse riding on the beach. All bluff one. Say ride through ricefields but actually on the main road with rice fields on both sides. Then also say the best part was to have feet submerged when crossing deep water. The horses kept to the dry beach all the time. But mybakuteh fell from the horse when a stray dog barked and frightened the horse. She hung from the stirrup unhurt except for bruises on the top of her feet. Luckily found koyot in the mini mart - believe it or not the name is koyot! But no medicine for both of us with the side effect of the hour riding - ka Ching Tia.
No trip is complete without buying something for dear Hannah. So mybakuteh chose some Bali tees.
I say man, Friday's New Paper featured Kaledoscop3 beach wedding. Had some very nice pics.
So ended our final night with another round of magnum - this time Choc truffle and hazelnut- they sure got variety here.

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