Friday, June 22, 2012

Over excited MaMa!

Alamak. After hearing dear Hannah say "Cuddle" over FT, MaMa dashed out and bought a Car for Hannah.  She says it's for "Car-del"!!! Well it will add to Success Playschool reportoire of educational toys!
Wah.. Open net is now installed. Hmm don't know if should upgrade as half the time we are not here. Imagine from the now 4mbps to 100mbps!!!!
And got contractor to conceal the wiring. Look! No outside trunking!
Back to the Bohol Butterfly sanctuary!
Got a pick of two butterflies mating. Seems they mate for at least 6 hours. Looks like they have been taking nectar from the Tongkat Ali tree for sure!
The guide was every pleasing and always offered to snap pics for us! Think there are less than 20 butterflies in this enclosure.
Live butterfly hair clips... the girls behind are the Russian tourists in the group.
Hmm... butterflied on the face....Note these pair are still mating. If you throw them in the air, the bigger female will flutter and carry the male along to another resting stop.

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