Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chubbers Back to Singapore

Ha!Ha! Here is Hannah in the airport after a cranky flight back - maybe it was because of Jetstar- as it was no longer Tiger!
Found out that Kin ran a chain of Japanese restuarant at the airport!

No wonder chubbers feel so at home at the restaurant!
Meanwhile Lta Ennoying D went to buy foot flexology socks... wonder who will do the pressing!
Chubbers enjoying the ride to the airport! Pooed in the van even because shje was disgusted with the traffic jams we had. Her disgust was intensified when he added pee to the poo!.

And look at the van we had yseterday... it is so brand new that all the plastic was still on it!
Cool Chubbers with sunnies on!
And the final breakfast at the hotel. Sharing notes on what each one did on the night before... seems that are good buys at Platinum and Paragon!
Praise God we had a safe and enjoyable trip to Krunthep!
Happy New Year friends and family members!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Hannah Goes to Chinatown

Ha!Ha! Hannah finally got to go kai kai in China town but it seems the grandma is more happy about it.
Hannah joining us for lunch. And what was for lunch?
(Usual milk for Hannah)
Kai Lan with abalone but it turned out to be top shell!
The signature dish was the sour plum fish. See how it is being served!
We finally made good use of the van we hired. Hannah is riding it at alas!
Because of the terrible traffic, we dispensed off the van yesterday and took the BTS sky train. Alamak only 10 minutes to go to Maboonkong.
And only one line and 25 Baht! Had a mini shopping spree there. Bought some VCD and then could not find the shop later to collect them! Ha!Ha! Watched Tom Cruise in the silent mode!
Another shot of shy ( or sleepy) Hannah in the van!
Hannah was vtired out by the Chinatown trip and took some time to go to sleep but she did. And amazingly the 24 hour tailor delivered his ta Ennoying D's pants ahead of the promised time. At Mahboonkong  two suits and two shirts and two ties are all US299!
There is a small pool on the rooftop which mybakuteh GM calls the mini Marina Bay swimming pool. Pity we did not get the chance to jump into it!
Meanwhile Sarge Wen and Angela spent the day with their friend Jeffrey and navigated the streets pretty well with more hair raising tuk Tuk rides.
Well the Bangkok adventure has ended with also a late night shopping spree by Lta Ennoying D and Kin! We willmiss the  all night  karooake especially the singers who are genuine froggiue croakers who cannot carry a tune.
So it's backc to wet Singapore this morning!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Confused Chubbers

Hannah worked up yesterday morning a little confused where she was. That is why she is constantly scratching her head!
The day started off with a mass massage for all.
We we are in the massage spa place doing two hours each. Alamat after massage all the messuers lined up to greet us off - so gave tips of 60 Baht each. But they all frown and wanted 100 Baht eacg. So boh pian.. give  100 Baht.
Went to Oishi at Central world to have eat all you can eat buffet. Alamak got pressure.. time limit of 1 hour ( printed on receipt).
Eat until cannot move. See video of the goodies.
Then after eating must kiao ka to allow for circulation of blood.

Came back to a happy Hannah, soaring half naked in the cool of the room.


For dinner, there was a spilt. Three of us went to the famous Somboon seafood restaurant.
The pepper crab... followed by
You need to see the video to appreciate it.
And that is not all. The meal ended with the traditional sticky rice with mango.
Then we got lost while walking back to the hotel. Used it as an excuse to try out the disappearing Tuk Tuk.
This is a shot when we have arrived and the tuk tuk is stationary.
This was what it was like when it was moving.
And the rest of the evening after dinner is spent in the quiet and comfort of the hotel room

Ha!Ha! Today is last full day in Bangkok. Have not  launched into the wild shopping spree yet.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sawadee Krup, Hannah

Hannah at Bangkok after some aggro. She pooed and the nappy broke. Perhaps that is the way she shows her disgust for Tiger Air service!
Hannah with Daddy and Mummy on the rooftop brekky place!

Here we are at China town looking for food after forfeiting lunch on the flight.
Delicious Chilli crab.
And whole fin shark fin soup. Also tapao for Lta Ennoying D and Kin at hotel.
Here is Hannah before she boarded the plane and pooed.
Today we are off to massage! Hope there is no terrible traffic jam like last night! Congrats to Hannah. She slept through last night without the 9 pm feed. Sawadee Krup!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who does Hannah like best of all?

This is Hannah's second bath in a wash basin in Ko Poh's house on Boxing Day. Seems to be enjoying it! Everyone has a hand in carrying Hannah but who does she like best?
Ah Ko? Well seems Ah Ko is smiling more than Hannah!
Ko Po? Welll okay lah but she's not the one.
Zi Peh Gong and Zi Um Po? Well she is not smiling as much...
Angela is the one! Look at how Hannah smiles from ear to ear! The way it goes her first word may be Korean - Anonhaseyo!

It was a lunch feast at Ko Poh's house... the prawns and bugs were pretty good. Funny but the crabs went untouched.. guess everyone is lazy to crack them.
Another shot of the steamboat luncheon. Free flow of minute maid!
And here is Hannah next to her wall of fame. The pictures are growing day by day.

Ha!Ha! Up on the wall is another protrait - this time of Kaledoscop3 by Halt Chor. However this the similarity for this one goes as far as the crab on her hand! Pretty good colours though. The next one up would be Hannah????
And the lunch ended with more pressies! Took the MRT back the other way - to Jurong East and them on the NE line to Yishun. Reason: it has less stations, is above ground and more scenery, less crowded and if train breaks down, no need to walk inside the dark tunnel! And true enough got nice seats for the smooth ride!
Well we are off to Bangkok this morning with Hannah!Maybe her first word will be Thai then. Sawadee Krup!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Joy for Kids!

Christmas is truly for kids as you see them waiting excitedly for their pressies. Here is little Joab testing our his pressie.
And the Christmas Tree at Boy's house is surrounded by lots and lots of pressies for sure.
And dear Gayle who immediately took off her tee publicly and put on this new pressie!
And Eton with is his dream come true with the huge transformer set!
Adults are more interested in food and there is no shortage. One hit dish is prepared by Dr Cheok!
It's the sticky cake!
And throughout the racquet of noises, dear Hannah slept through not knowing she received probably the most pressies!

In absentia, Kaledoscop3 also received considerable pressies. Poh Choo and Hin Weng were conspicously not seen as Ph Choo is quite  sick. Do pray for her.
Mybakuteh got a pressie in anticipation of her futre pressie!
We had a Christmas lunch too with William and Doris.
The lor ark is just as good.
But the kiam chai ark was a little too kiam.
The oyster was just as good but the price has shot up from $10 to $15!

And we had tea too for Christmas day! In the morning Sarge Wen AC and Angela went to church at Yishun with us. When it ended Sarge Wen Ac asked what was the three points of the sermon. The indianboyfriend could only remember one but swore he was awake throughout the sermon!

Christmas was also communication time with Kaledoscop3 who is in Perth. She has a nice lunch with Xiany and Tom!
Today is Boxing day but looks like from yesterday's skype with Kaledoscop3, Simmonds parade has already done their job!
Today is lunch at Halt Chor's place. Hope Hannah will be a wake to steal the show again!
Have a great holiday today!