Friday, December 23, 2011

Tang Yuan

Ha!Ha! Yesterday was the dong zhi festival for the winter solstice. And time to eat the sweet tang yuan. Remember as a kid, MaMa would say once you eat the "yee" you will be one year older. Alamak! So old already must add one more year mei!
Looks like every in Langford is having a holiday. Kin and Hannah are in Singapore and Lta Ennoying D willbe in via afternoon flight today. And good old pirate is having his day in the friend's house. And the dogs are now developing a relationship and bet you Pirate has been using the cliche " I have an eye for you!"
Well, Kaledoscop3 damaged car is now as good as new after repair! The good Lord has a blessed way to make everything turn up well in the end. We only need to believe for "everything worketh for good for those who love the Lord".
Space or cold- take your pick. As it rains every day, the pools are pratically empty when the indianboyfriend goes there! But the water is freezing cold. Having swam in the Perth beaches, the cold is pretty okay. Look at it this way - you got the whole gigantic pool to your self.
Ha!Ha! This weekend will be exciting as tomorrow is Xmas Days. Brought back my pressies to open. Cannot bring back mybakuteh's as it is too big. This year she is giving away big sized pressies!
Have a great Day before the great weekend!

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