Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Hannah, Happier Ko Poh!

This is a wonderful shot of a smiley Hannah. Looks like Ko Poh and Hannah finally met up!!
More Star Wars mango - RDDToo! Well one is for $4 but 2 for seven. Would you spend another $3 to save $1? Well we didn't as due to the past perishability of the fruit.
Ha!Ha! An early Xmas KFC dinner at Edmund ( err Edwin, Edward, Raymond?) nice house. The hand in the bottom pic belows to the one who could only eat 3 pieces of KFC but later ate up a box of South African beef jerky - we mean Edmund ( err Edwin, Edward, Raymond?).
We were entertained by Mike and Joey on their recent trip with Jamie and Edmund, Edwin, Edward, Raymond? to South Korea.  This nice pious church going family man says he will calmly sit down and eat the brains out of a live monkey - we Edmund, Edwin, Edward, AteMonkey, Raymond?
Christmas jam tarts are here with the compliments of Ms Seah. She industriously came over and baked them... Verdict.. yammy yammy.
The wrong books have arrived- two more of them. Ni shuo qi Kuai bu qi Kuai. Went to Aussie Post and they asked for ID.Show them driver's licence and they did not even bother to look!

Sarge Wen AC wants us to bring these back. Wonder how he is going to read 4 books at the same time and 5 if the Game of Throne arrives.
Ashley has turned peeping tom... Be careful when you hit the room after returning home. Because as you are about to change, there will be peeping Ash standing on the window sill and looking at you!   If you look at the pic more carfeully you can see the indianboyfriend's Xmas pressie from mybakuteh... unwrapped!
Ha!Ha! Today is Sat and it is church day!

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