Thursday, December 8, 2011

From the Loo to the Boardroom!

Ha!Ha! Sarge Wen AC hit the press again. He was featured in the West Australian yesterday as part of the business news. Taken at the breakfast talk on leadership!
Quite a quantum leap progress considering the last time he was featured, he was in Cicerello's loo!!!!
And more pics of the happy Hannah in Singapore. She is biting her chewy here. The format is video but unfortunately it cannot be downloaded.
And the next picture shows Hannah enjoying her food.

All her pics in Singapore shows Hannah as alert and happy!
Meanwhile mybakuteh is on a gardening run, redocorating the plant layout!
The garden looks nice and tidy and the indianboyfriend wonders if he should paint the faded garden set.
And the evening ended nicely. Sarge Wen AC went to the gymn, the indianboyfriend went for the jog and mybakuteh cooked a pot of fragrant chicken curry!

And guess what we had with bread for breakfast? No prizes. Meanwhile an update at the scrabble front. Sarge Wen AC courted trouble when he offered to play mybakuteh simultaneously and now he is 60 points behind both.
Maybe the bowl of vietnamese duck bun has more msg than he thought!
Have a great day!

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