Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Tis the night before Christmas! Merry Christmas to all dear friends and family members! Thank God for another blessed year!
Delicious rosy cheeks. Mybakuteh went to pick up some grocery and came back with two R2D2 mangoes. Said she met her friend Aunty Lucy who just came back from Australia and gave her two mangoes!!!Hmm inside the plastic bag was a receipt for $6.00!
It looks like a daily durian feast for us everyday. Durians are not so cheap at this time but still yellow yellow. The trick is to get kor bak and poh chee (flat seed). Last night Angela was bold enough to dip her finger to sample a taste. A definite no go for her as she grimace in horror! No durians for her for sure.
Midnight Surprise. Who is to popped at the door but Sarge Wen AC last night with several packets of the famous Bedok Bak Cho mee. All nicely separate soup and ingredients. We quickly heat up one and it was sure No 1. Then he checked Dr Lesley's book and sure enough it has the picture of the two rival famous Bak Cho Mee side by side. And it matches the one in his iphone pic! The good news is that there is enough for everyone for breakfast!
New Malay stall at the other end of coffee shop below. Hmm $3 per bowl of mee siam... expensive by Singapore standard but cheap by Perth. Anyway quite okay except a little kiam.
The door lock died of old age and we had to replace it. China locks are only $6 each Yale is three times the price. No there is no Harvard brand. As security is utmost we went for Yale. Looks very sturdy for sure.
Innovative way to skype with older iphone model. Ha!Ha! This morning, Kaledoscop3 skyped and because the camera is pointed the other way the last time, she creatively skyped next to a mirror!!! Self improvisation.
Think she needs Dr Lta Ennoying D's expertise to solve her problem. She has been asked to upgrade her itunes and safari but she cannot do it because her mac and iphone is the older version and not compatible with the new upgrade. Dr Lta Ennoying AC will find the solution for sure after having taught the indianboyfriend s fair bit at Langford on computers!
Have a merry Christmas. Remember to go to Church to thank the Lord for his precious gift of life! May the Lord bless!

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