Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Welcome to Singapore

Back to Singapore - wet Singapore. Mybakuteh woke up at 6.45 am asked "Why so dark!" Ha!Ha! no longer Perth Summer. Lta Ennoying D sent us to airport yesyerday at 5 am and it was Day bright! Lucky we check in via internet as Ha!Ha! no longer Perth Summer. Lta Ennoying D sent us to airport yesyerday at 5 am and it was Day bright! Lucky we check in via internet as
there was a hugmonous Q for the normal check in. No one in internet lane! Then you will not believe this. The customs Q stretched out of the inner room into the open cafeteria! But travel SQ very song man. Can ask for Spritzel anytime and they give you peanuts too even you did not ask. Go toilet no need to Q and inside got deodorant, comb and toothbrush. But one bad thing - they close the movie half an hour before touchdown. Other airlines, take your head set but leave the movies on. Alas.. watched only 2  1/2  movies.  So we arrived in Singapore greeted by the rain which became very heavy in the evening. Funny thing is the indianboyfriend took an umbrella to the MRT coffee shop to buy dinner and he did not even need to open it as it was sheltered all the way! The trains are running okay.
We were also greeted by durians galore. There is not one but TWO stalls below selling this green fruit.
Hmm and it is Chong Pang in the morning for breakfast!
Ha!Ha! Kway Chap of course. Then off for a hair cut and a swim. The waters is really cold but the plus side is there is no one in the pool except the insane indianboyfriend. Read the great Kim has died. Just don't understand why the North Koreans are weeping when he has not eradicate poverty in the country.
Have a great day!

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