Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Eat a Giant Mango

We wanted to cut the giant mango for dinner but Kaledoscop3 told us the right way to eat a mango is to peel it and then sink the teeth into it so all the juices will squirt out. And we did that with model Lta Ennoying D!
This is step one. Step two is to examine the bite.
Alamak! The mango was too cold for him so the mark was not so deep. But good enough to send to the dentist to make a pair of dentures! The mango was so big that three persons would not finish it and had to keep the rest for breakfast.
Ha!Ha! This is a clip of the kam chai ark soup we had for dinner last night. Look at how the soup simmers... opps think it is kam chai kuay - chicken.
Ha!Ha! Hannah has a visitor and does not look very excited over her pressie. Auntie Vivien brought a giant teddy bear as big as Hannah.

Ha!Ha! Eary morning facetime with Hannah. She is up and alert by 7 am!
Here is another pic. Ipad very sturdy... Dropped on floor during facetime, pick up and still connected!
Yesterday storm brought heavy rain to Langford and the porch was flooded. But Lta Ennoying D was unfazzled. It was just the normal run off he said.

Looks like the grass has slowed down the run off. Ha!Ha! Was told that Lta Ennoying's neighbour  huge dog died recently. According to the vet it was bitten by a snake! Man! Got to look out for spiders and snakes in Aussieland.  Better be careful at night when groping to the toilet. Last night the neighbour's cat came into the house through the opening and was luckily chased off by the two defenders. Hmm. what happen if a snake snuggle in for some warmth in the cold night! Simple... kam chai snake!!!
Uncle B was rather stingy yesterday and took some allowance from us. But he felt bad about it and gave us another recipe book with a manual cover. Had lunch there and then went back for free coke and coffee.
Today is Tuesday and made a boo boo. Fed Ashley with Pirate's food. Wonder if he will turn a giant overnight!
Today is Tuesday... no more rain as weather man says partly cloudy.
As for scrabble news, Sarge Wen AC suffered another humilating defeat from mybakuteh.. should have known better than play with an ex-teacher!
Victory is within an arm's grasp for the indianboyfriend too! Should go and eat No 4... the msg may change the course of game!

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