Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hannah in Singapore!

Ha!Ha! Hannah is now experiencing the daily thunderstorm in Singapore! And she even consoled Tabitha Titchwich during the flight when the poor rabbit was scared out of her wits when the plane took off!
And the next to leave for Singapore is Dr Justin. All packed to go last night for Char Kuay Tiao city! Yes after seven grilling years, we are all proud he was returned as a fully qualified doctor!
Ha!Ha! Went to Belmont and saw the prices of Bananas are falling like lead. In Spudshed it is advertised at $2.69 this week!
The summer weather is here. There are more flies and it has become warm at night. Luckily, we fished out the fan from the store room and it saved us last night from the warm heat!  Must do more shopping to enjoy free air con.
Last evening had a wonderful dinner at Big Bowl after church!
And today... a lazy day ahead of course.

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