Friday, December 2, 2011

Tiger Damage My Broom!

Had a pleasant flight on Tiger on the way in. The flight was half full and it arrived early at 8.45 pm! At the luggage carousel, found that the broom was dented to non-usable state - the inside lever mechanism broke. Don't know if the indianboyfriend should compose a song and post it on UTube entitling it Tiger broke my Broom. Well one way is to claim insurance but got nor invoice for the $20 item!  Next time, have to may a witches' hat and carry Potter it on board.
Age is catching up on Ah Pek... after the walk yesterday, he immediately collapsed on the garage floor exhuasted!!!
You will probably never see a more happy mybakuteh than this. Sarfe Wen AC took us to lunch at Matsuri and it was belly filled meal again! And how is dear Hannah?
This is the happy baby this morning, sitting on her high chair and waiting for her soy milk hand feed. Here is the video.
She is enjoying the feed so much that she is smucking after each teaspoon. And you can hear the lip smucking sound. Alas Lta Ennoying D was not so successful yesterday evening as it was her initial feed. He has to feed one teaspoon and then play a guitar verse to continue.
And here is a video of Hannah first feeding on soy milk by Mummy. As it is the first attempt, it took a little time.
And this high picture is a great way to sum up today - Hannah the high flier!
She is all set to board her first flight on SQ on Sat Morning departing at 7 am. Ha!Ha! a High flyer for sure.
And on the scrabble front, it was more dui lian for the indianboyfriend GP. He lost to the Si Fu Sarge Wen AC for the 5th time! But he has learnt enough of his tricks to make a comeback on the 6th!
Weekend is here. Enjoy!

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