Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elephants galore!

Went to town yesterday and there was this elephant thing all over the place. Anyway took the train back and dozed off... then when the indianboyfriend GP opened his eyes, he saw the train was above the ground. Then an announcement rang through saying "next stop - Yishun". The wonders of automatic wake up! Must had a lot of practice on church!.

Ha!Ha! Got Sarge Wen AC's CA plaque finally made at B3 size. Weighs 2 kg and brought the luggage to the max of 20 kg, including the mob! It poured during the afternoon and tried to take a nap. Then the doorbell rang by itself - not once but three times at separate interval. By the last ring, the rain stopped so it was time for the pool. Strangely the water was warm. Took the chai png at the corner shop next to the garbage disposal block for the second time upon mybakuteh recommendation. It is the best yet to be. The food is tasty and inexpensive. Has pig's trotters last night and it was lean with nice skin - all three chucnky pieces with veg for only $2.50!
Sarge Wen bought the indianboyfriend GP a special piece of chocs on the night he left Perth. While the top was a little sweet with the toffee, the base tastes as good as Nestle!
The indianboyfriend GP's is all packed. The taxi is waiting and blowing his horn ( hopefully) and not to wait for another half an hour with waiting competitors.
Hannah and Family, here comes the indianboufriend GP!
Have a great day!

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